Products of biosyn for Selenium deficiency

biosyn at a glance

Application Areas

  • Conventional and integrative oncological therapy (e.g. selenase®)
  • Intensive care (e.g. selenase®)
  • Pain therapy (e.g. MEPTID®)
  • Endocrinology (e.g. selenase®)
  • Environmental medicine (e.g. selenase®, ZINKOTASE®)
  • Obstetrics (e.g. MEPTID®)

biosyn International

biosyn has a subsidiary in the USA (biosyn Corporation in Carlsbad, California). Sales partnerships exist in South Korea, Malaysia, the Netherlands, Great Britain, Argentina, South Africa, and the United States. Export shares of approx. 70% turnover.



Almost exclusively through pharmacies


Approx. 75 (70 based in Germany)


Dr. Thomas Stiefel, Ortwin Kottwitz & Pascal Voltzenlugel