Side Effects
Please report side effects!
Please report side effects!
At biosyn, we take the safety and quality of our products very seriously. Through quality control and constant drug safety monitoring, we ensure that our products are very well tolerated. Nevertheless, side effects may occur.
We collect and process such suspicious reports of side effects in accordance with legal requirements and the latest findings of medical science. The earlier, more frequently and in greater detail we receive such reports, the earlier risk signals can be identified and evaluated. For this reason, pharmaceutical companies, physicians and pharmacists are also required by law to report suspected cases. If your suspicion has not yet been reported by your treating physician or pharmacist, you can also arrange for this yourself.
By clicking on the link "Report side effects" you can open, download and print a reporting form.
If you wish to report a suspected case, you must provide your contact details so that we can request further information from you if necessary. Please fill out the form as well as possible, if necessary with the help of your doctor or pharmacist. You will receive an acknowledgement of receipt from us as soon as possible after you have submitted the form. However, please note in any case that reporting an adverse reaction does not replace a visit to the doctor.
We will treat and process your personal data confidentially in accordance with the legal requirements, including the new German Data Protection Ordinance (DGSVO).
You have multiple options for submitting the completed form. You can choose one of the following:
Fax: +49 (0) - 711 - 57532 204
Phone: +49 (0) - 711 - 57532 - 211.
Emergencies: +49 (0) - 172 - 749 793
Mail: biosyn Arzneimittel GmbH - Drug Safety - Schorndorfer Str. 32 70734
Fellbach - Germany