selenase® 50 peroral

Indication Proven selenium deficiency that cannot be corrected nutritionally. Selenium deficiency may occur in maldigestion and malabsorption states as well as in malnutrition and nutritional deficiency.
PZN Package Size
01240315 50 drinking ampoules with 1 ml solution (N2)

selenase® 100 µg peroral

PZN Package Size
00493942 20 x 2 ml drinking ampoules (N1) (100 µg selenium)
00593684 60 x 2 ml drinking ampoules (N2) (100 µg selenium)
09263474 100 x 2 ml drinking ampoules (N3) (100 µg selenium)

selenase® T peroral

PZN Package Size
00593690 10 x 10 ml drinking bottles (500 μg selenium)