
Brazil nuts: healthy or harmful?

Brazil nuts: healthy or harmful?

The Brazil nut is considered an excellent natural source of selenium. One often hears the recommendation to eat two Brazil nuts daily to be sufficiently supplied with selenium. Vegetarians and vegans in particular are said to be able to easily cover their selenium requirements with this – which can otherwise be a problem when abstaining from animal foods.

The Brazil nut tree is an exception in the realm of botany: No other plant is able to accumulate such high amounts of selenium in its fruits. Brazil nuts are therefore the most selenium-rich food available.

In fact, you can increase your selenium status by eating Brazil nuts. However, this often means overshooting the mark. Studies have shown that just one Brazil nut per day can raise selenium levels far above the recommended reference range within two months. The recommendation to eat two Brazil nuts daily can therefore lead to an unhealthy selenium overdose, especially in the long term.

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