The semimetal selenium is one of the so-called essential trace elements: Although the organism requires only very small amounts of it daily, these are absolutely necessary for a large number of metabolic processes. The thyroid gland is the organ of the human body richest in selenium. Therefore, it reacts particularly sensitively to an insufficient supply of selenium.
Like iodine, selenium is essential for its function: only with the help of selenium is the thyroid hormone thyroxine (T4) converted into its active form, known as T3 (triiodine-thyronine). The highly effective T3 in turn controls a large number of metabolic processes: It increases heart rate and blood pressure, increases energy metabolism, promotes healthy growth of hair and nails, strengthens bone substance and regulates heat balance. In addition, T3 promotes hormone release in other organs, for example the pancreas and adrenal gland. In children, T3 is of great importance for the growth and development of the brain.
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